Evening Autumn Lecture with Richard Bisgrove, Wednesday 3 October, 7.00p.m. for 7.30p.m.

Richard Bisgrove, a well known and much accomplished lecturer and author of seven books*, is coming to speak to us on ‘Gertrude Jekyll: Artist, Gardener, Craftswoman.’ Gertrude Jekyll’s profound influence on the English garden is well known, but less well known are her many other accomplishments. Richard will outline her many activities and how their relationship to her gardening.


The National Trust Book of the English Garden

The Gardens of Gertrude Jekyll

William Robinson - the wild gardener

and just released in September 2018 Gardening across the Pond

SGT members: Advance £10/On the door £12

Non members: £12

Costs include glass of wine or soft drink

Venue: Octagon Room, St Peter & St Paul’s Church, Church Street, Godalming GU7 1ER